Thursday, May 28, 2015

When I was younger, erm, more precisely until 24 y/o, I thought things were simpler.
Start a biz, get sales, expand it and ya, a big boss I will be. A year later, things are different. When you've got to take care of yourself, all the expenses, then you feel the grind. I used to imagine what if I need to pay all the expenses myself, what if I need to pay for the car, what if I need to work for the money I use, things would be fun and proud if I could manage it well.
Now, I am in the situation. I wish that things are much smoother, no need to make ends meet, which is pretty tiring. Without a consistent paycheck and gotta come out with all the expenses, damnnnnn
But I actually embrace the situation, it makes me work harder and think further. Well, it's part of the life. You've gotta experience the bad to feel good, and been through poor life to know how to get rich!

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